Bioline Deodorizing Spray for Cat 175ml
Bioline Deodorize for Cats is a spray product that eliminates unpleasant odors from cats’ coats. It is specifically designed for use on cats. It is great to use on cats that are smelly or active. It is made of high-quality ingredients and is safe for frequent use.
This ideal and environment-friendly product is for cat toilets, bathrooms, living rooms, etc. Thanks to its active agents the deodorizing spray eliminates all unpleasant smells.
Highlights: – Superior formula reliably removes odor-causing bacteria – Meticulously designed spray nozzle ensures a good spread of the deodorizer – Infused with active agents that neutralize unpleasant smells
Produk yang ramah lingkungan ini untuk toilet kucing, kamar mandi, ruang tamu, dll. Berkat zat aktifnya, semprotan penghilang bau menghilangkan semua bau yang tidak sedap
Volume: 175ml
Germany Technology
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